A single green bean! |
Freezie, freezie! We had our first hard freeze this week. It was hard to see my wee little gardens frozen and dying. But, I've already gotten my first seed Catalog and I'm EAGERLY waiting for Spring!
A single wee tomato! |
Gardening made for an interesting summer, for sure. Because this summer, I took up gardening.
My first raised bed included Kale, Beets, Basil and Marigolds. This is before the freeze. |
What you have to understand to get the big pic is this:
1. The ONLY way I have a green thumb, is if its covered in paint.
2. Sweet Hub often refers to me as, "the vampire". I don't even like to go outside to get the mail.
My second raised bed had squash, lettuce, parsley, thyme, green beans and cabbage. |
So, for me to go outside, dig in the dirt AND face the bees, all without self combustion in the sunlight, a major feat indeed. I took a great class this summer, from the gals at
Garden Inspirations. I am eagerly anticipating gardening catalogs and planning my artful garden journal. And hoping that I get at least one more wee green bean!
I learning that creativity comes in all shapes and sizes, even green. Even outdoors!